Generation Z, often just called Gen Z, includes anyone born between 1997 and 2012. These are the true digital natives who have grown up with the internet and smartphones in their hands. They’re tech-savvy, socially conscious, and crave authenticity from the brands they support. For us here in New Zealand, understanding Gen Z is key to unlocking a whole new level of engagement and loyalty. After all, if they’re not part of your current target market, they will be soon!In this blog, we’re going to break down why Gen Z needs a tailored marketing approach and share the top five strategies to effectively reach them. While this generation is known to “vibe with” authenticity and transparency, these factors are only two key ingredients that make up your marketing pie - let’s find out why! Who is Gen Z?Alright, let’s dive deeper into the world of Gen Z. As we mentioned, Gen Z includes individuals born between 1997 and 2012. But what makes this generation tick? What sets them apart from Millennials or Gen X?Digital NativesGen Z has never known a world without the internet. From a young age, they’ve been swiping, tapping, and clicking their way through life. This means they’re incredibly comfortable with technology and expect seamless digital experiences. For them, buffering videos or clunky websites are a big no-no.Here are some interesting Gen Z factoids (read the full article on our blog here)> 98% of all Gen Z own a smartphone> The average Gen Z-er spends about 3-4 hours a day on social media> 77% of Zoomers believe in the authenticity of user-generated content on social media> More than a third of all influencers active right now are Zoomers themselves> 70% of Gen Z purchases a product after seeing it on social media> 85% of the Gen Z population learn about new products through social media> 53% of Gen Z user social media to conduct product researchSocially ConsciousThis generation cares deeply about social and environmental issues....